Y2K College
Y2K High school: “We are here to learn and learn we shall!”
Y2K High school is a secondary vocational school. The school's starting point is that every young person deserves education, even if this is yet another chance. Many students therefore have a problematic background, such as addiction, domestic violence and drop-out from supported schools. The Y2K High school wants to provide a safe environment and where necessary help from social workers. The government subsidy is not enough to provide what is needed. The teachers are so involved that they use their own resources: financially and in action. Y2K High school is looking for structural improvements: of education and care for the children, and of the financial situation. The director of Y2K High school has enlisted the help of The Learning Journey for this. We entered into a long-term commitment in 2009 and continue to help strengthen education.
How do we do that? Improving and making education more sustainable?
In many different ways:
- Via vetting and improvement plans for education, organization and finance.
- The organization of a separate transition class for incoming problem youth, so that they can better settle in regular education later on.
- Sharing knowledge and experiences. Introduction and training of peer review.
- Providing workshops 'Orientation on your Future' to give students more insight into where their talents lie.
- Investigation of possibilities to generate own finances with business activities.
An example: Bakery Y2K High school - Bread and training
Through an investment and idea from the Foundation, Y2K High school started a Bakery in 2013 with the following goals:
- generate money by selling bread and biscuits,
- provide meals for the students,
- train students to become a baker.
The Learning Journey contributed to the business plan, in addition to the investments. With an action among its donors, we have collected the applied starting budget.
The bakery provides a bread meal for about 350 students. The bakery is also a possibility for students to get trained and get acquainted with the aim of choosing the baker's profession and thus improving their job prospects.